Smart Vibration Analyzer 9085

Analizadores de Vibración TPI, Mantenimiento Predictivo y Monitoreo de Maquinaria Basado en Condición. El análisis de vibraciones puede encontrar fallas en las máquinas en las primeras etapas, lo que permite implementar el mantenimiento planificado. La adopción de este mantenimiento basado en condiciones tiene ventajas evidentes sobre el mantenimiento preventivo, mantenimiento reactivo y las reparaciones.

Smart Vibration Analyzer 9085 Interprets, Analyzes and Trends Machine Conditions including bearing wear and temperature. Wireless Charging



Smart Vibration, Bearing Condition & Temperature Analyzer.

The TPI 9085 is a simple, easy to use, low cost vibration meter that records, analyzes and displays vibration, bearing wear & temperature at the push of a button.


  • Find machine faults before they stop your machine
  • Increase productivity and lower maintenance costs
  • Measure temperature to determine if a bearing requires lubrication, preventing wear and failure
  • Use temperature measurement to confirm a high BDU reading (bearing noise) is caused by a worn bearing and not noise from pump cavitation, gearbox noise, or a nearby noisy bearing
  • Temperature measurement aids in diagnosing a tight or loose housing or shaft fit on a bearing
  • Measuring temperature assists with potential electrical issues on motors such as winding insulation deterioration, single phasing, broken rotor bars etc.

Supplied in Soft Carry Case with space for 9085, charger, cord, Accelerometer Cable & Accelerometer, Docking Cradle & USB Cable.


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